Project 4

Ian Lippincott
5 min readDec 8, 2020

Music Selection

I began selecting my song by refining my 50-word statement so that I could get a sense of the different sections of my video.

After doing this I knew that I needed two main pauses and a final one at the end to reveal the typeface name, Meta.

I browsed BROMELIAD’s music library on Spotify and found these three songs. I wanted to find something lively and light to fit Meta’s personality, but with some climactic moments to highlight important features.

In the end, I chose Chime Chapel because of its pauses and personality which matches that of Meta.


To mirror the vibe of my spread I want to use simple movements to communicate the visual characteristics of Meta. I don’t yet have a vision for exact animations to use but I will develop these as I begin the storyboard.

Hand Drawn Storyboard

While I didn’t intend on planning out every small detail, I found that I had to go about doing this to make sure I could touch on all the information that is necessary. Some timestamps may change, but I have included them so that I know when certain sections and transitions are supposed to happen.

Digital Storyboard

To better understand color choices and more precise text placement, I created some of my storyboard in Figma.

After meeting with Vicki, I had the go-ahead to continue with this work and possibly start to animate in after effects. One concern she had was with the dark background as my poster from the previous project was so bright. While this section included a dark background, I planned to flip the colors of the text and the background when it came to highlighting the visual characteristics. This would create a clear shift in the tone and let the viewer know that information is going to change. And while I had only made about half of my storyboard, I decided it would be most efficient to transfer my work into illustrator to make the importing process easier.


My plan for animating was to get close to 100% fidelity with each scene that I animated. This method made the most sense to me so that I could clearly connect transitions and understand the color scheme for each scene. However, what I wanted to be sure of before any embellishments, was that the information on the screen was communicating what I have intended to communicate.

Separate layers for the first scene

I began by animating the first scene, and first created assets in Illustrator before moving into AfterEffects.

First Scene

After making this, I wanted to explore a version with more motion, so I added to the entrance and exit of each line.

I ended up liking the second version more so I will use it in the master composition.

Second Scene

I again began with creating assets in Illustrator. For each word, I had a light and a dark version and parented each dark version to its lighter version. I then lowered the opacity of the dark word as it moved into the center of the screen.

This scene finishes up the background information and transitions into the third scene which highlights the visual characteristics of the typeface. Overall I was happy with this, but since all information is presented in the same way, it may feel too long.

Third Scene

At the moment, this scene is not finished, but most of what is made is where I would like it to be. The one section that isn't yet done is the one where “theoretical”, “practical”, and “lively” show up on the screen.

Small Group Meeting

Richard, Michael, and I met with Vicki and Jaclyn to get feedback on our videos. While I didn't have a full video yet, I was happy with where I was in the process and confident that I could easily finish.

Notes from Meeting

  • Adding more color could be helpful — or use blue in more places
  • Vicki: The second scene is not working. Text is moving too fast and there’s not enough variation in animation.

Final Video

Filling in the holes and fixing any issues wasn't a lot of work since I had already created the visual language for my video. I began by recreating the second scene (to do this I changed the entrance and exit of each set of words, giving it a more dynamic feel). I then finished highlighting the visual characteristics and added the reveal of “Meta” at the end.

